Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ranch Revealed...

The winner is:

Say what? That's not right...

Oh please......


Yup, that's it....


*No squirrels were harmed during this deliberation and we also have no plans to actually rope or ride black squirrels. They are just free to continue scampering across the lawn. Oh, and we aren't gonna rescue any either. There are still only four little "squirrels" in the house, guarded by one big white one:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Misty Morning Visitors

Found a little something in our driveway this morning...

Usually, we find deer in our front yard.

Cowgirl Kimi wrangled 'em into one of thepaddocks....where they promptly
went to meet Princess Buffalo: aka Gretel, the exploring Mini Horse. She's
run away into the woods 3 times, looking for the candy gingerbread house of the White Witch.
(Which is why her name went from Jellybean to we just need to find Hansel!)


Does anyone else see how tall Joe is, compared to me? (Joe's the black guy; I
don't know the name of the little albino horse, but he's nice).

The boys trying to get a gander at Gretel. She's cute:
how could they not be interested?