Thursday, November 8, 2012

Search Efforts Have Ceased

Because he just showed up!

Puddin' walked  up to me very gingerly and slowly this morning as I was putting wood into the burner. He moves as though he's trying to prove to an officer that he's sober, and let me just say that Puddin's hiney region smells like a broken sewer main. I've never smelled something like that on a live creature before!

I called for Mr. H in the house who tossed the dogs into the front yard after their breakfast and came to the back of the house to see what I had found. Poor Puddin' can't even sit down-- he's what you'd call "butt hurt"....literally... I know, bad pun.

I don't think he's out of the woods with regard to survival. He looks a tad green around the gills, but he was purring and trying to interact with us when he slowly staggered up the hill.

We talked about horrible possibilities for P-diddy's predicament and I have a feeling the whole chicken that USED to be on our compost pile (since Sunday) had something to do with his disappearance and his current state. 

He eats just like his father: just the meat, no vegetables (the carrots and celery are still on the pile).

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