Saturday, May 28, 2011

Love is in the Air

The Mini horses are allowed to graze in the upper pasture for a few hours everyday; they can't be up there any longer or they will overeat. As you can see, they don't have much self control; but, this isn't all their fault as Mini horses are too tiny for their appetite and digestive system so we have to regulate for them. Don't ask me how these hobbits survive in the wild--is there such a thing as a wild Mini?

Mr. H thought he was pretty smart yesterday as he looked up from some gimmicky news on his computer and said, "Honey, I guess you have to give up the Minis; this article says 'No Minis After 35.'" My mom looked up confused and I knew what he meant: no miniskirts for women over the age of 35. Yes, he fancies himself a pretty funny guy. I took note and put this on the tally sheet with "the others." (You know, that "husband tally sheet" which perpetually keeps him in the doghouse for the words that come flying out of their mouths).

Thirty-five or not, the Minis are mine for the time being and we get a huge kick out of playing with them and Beatrice the goat. Bea is highly entertaining and we've been watching her and Assel (the blue-eyed horse). Over the last few weeks we've come to the conclusion that they are in love. Bea is always flirting with him and they tend to sit or stand near each other a lot.

Assel and Beatrice

And when Assel is tired of Bea hanging around, she goes over to bother Shaq

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