Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mite-y Barn Cats

I know...too many kitten pictures, but some people really get a kick out of 'em. I'm just getting a kick out of the fact they are still alive--ear mites and all. If their grandmother hadn't called from the road (on her way to Oklahoma City) to remind me to give them their ear medicine, I would have totally forgotten about it. I hate to break it to the grandkittens, but they won't get red carpet treatment from us like they did when their Meemaw was here...My mom was singing and talking and carrying on with those kittens so loudly one evening I could barely milk the goats--it was eerily distracting, you know? And, the kittens just look at you when you're talking, as if they're planning their next move. They're not like dogs: when you talk to dogs they at least pretend like they are hanging on your every word. I like dogs...

Here's a few more photos. Hopefully, we'll move back to goats and dogs soon: you know, really cute four-leggeds. (Don't tell the kittens-I still need them to pick up the pace with the mice. Every time I reach for a bale of hay, three mice pop out. Yuck!)

From left to right:
Pot Pie (aka Pothead), Pork Chop, Puddin'

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