The bird looked so sweet sitting there --not old enough to peck me to death--so I took a few candid photos of him. I have no idea what was going through his mind.
We came back to look at him after watering the garden, and our little fluffy friend was gone. Thankfully, we don't have any cats!
This morning Gunnar and I came back from our walk and Grandma Debbie was out on hers too. We all walked back together and what did we see, but our little baby bird again. I was glad my mom found the bird and not Gunnar, as he has met his baby bird quota for the month of June already. (He had an active May, so we spilled over into June).
I guided the white Husky sneakily around where the bird was sitting on the sidewalk right next to our house, and put him up in the barn, happily eating his breakfast--which was commercial dog food and not wild game...for once!
I finished a few quick barn chores and came back outside to go water the garden to find Grandma Debbie standing next to the baby bird:
Grandma Debbie (GD): "I don't want to leave the little bird until we can make sure nothing is going to attack it. I'll stay here until Bill wakes up."
Kimi: "Uh..ok. I'll go tell Mr. H you are waiting for him to come and do a little wildlife rescue and rehabilitation." (To myself: This lady is too much! But, adorable; she's really adorable).
I went and told Mr. H that his presence was requested outside due to a visitor at the Bluebird Hollow manor. He was feeding the Littles at the time and one more baby bird mouth I'm sure is what he was looking forward to.
Kimi: "Ok, mom, I told him. He'll be out in a minute."
GD: "The little bird looks hungry and thirsty."
(The baby bird is just sitting on the sidewalk looking at us, mouth closed, fluffy feathers down. I thought he looked rather chunky, but not hungry).
Kimi: "Mom, I'm gonna go water the garden."
GD: "Okay, I will stand here with the bird. I need to get a worm for him...and chop it up a little bit for him."
Yes, at this point I did roll my eyes. My mother just told me she was going to make worm baby food for a young bird. Wow. I all of a sudden understand why I want to have a farm(Farmer Ron) , but I don't want to kill any of the animals for food production (Grandma Debbie). Talk about wading into the genetic pool...or in this case, the genetic "bird bath!"
Sooooo.... where's the bird now?