Monday, September 5, 2011

Movin' On Up

This is a spoiler alert! The "Little Farmette That Could" is leaving Bluebird Hollow and heading an hour north. Mr. H and I bought a 10 acre farmette an hour north of the city-- and only 5 miles from Farmer Ron (yeah!)--and we'll be making the transition the month of October. We close on the property in a few weeks so keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. We are terribly heartbroken to be leaving this beautiful area and all of the neighbors that I love to hang out with, but there is a lot to offer on the new property and a fantasmic barn... You know the barn is the most important part, after all! Beatrice, the Amish goat, and her two friends will love their new pad. Stay tuned.

It's not darling Bluebird Hollow, but it will be home. The place will need a name...any suggestions?