Friday, October 1, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood

Up in the woods that is my backyard, lies the heat source for our Taylor oven. Old Man Taylor requires at least five pieces of wood per day, or my shower is lukewarm.  Feeling ambitious today, and determined to not run the water for twenty minutes to warm it up before each shower, I strolled up into the woods with my little white cart in hopes of finding an offering for cranky Mr. Taylor.

...and then I realized that if I walked up the hill with an empty cart and collected wood on the way down, I would not be as out of breath!

You didn't miss part of the story. Why would I have to elaborate? You know how I came to that conclusion. Oh-you do realize that I didn't go up there with a chainsaw or any other wood carving device? I still have all of my fingers and toes. I even took the precaution of trying to research what poison ivy looked like. As I got up there, I realized all of the foliage along the path looked alike! So, I spent most of my walk enjoying the view and wondering if marijuana had five leaves and poison ivy had three or vice versa.  I should probably add Calamine lotion to Bill's grocery list.

As I continued up the hill with my cart, I started snapping pictures; the woods is so beautiful and fall is definitely starting to take hold. Still a bit out of breath from dragging even an empty cart up this trail -it's steeper than it looks- I stopped a lot to catch some photo opportunities.


After collecting some fairly wet, moldy wood, probably not suitable for burning, I headed back down the hill. This entire time I can hear Gunnar in his kennel, howling like a wolf, because he is distraught that for the first time I have not taken him into the woods with me. Gunnar's chilling howl sounds like a wild animal baying at the moon. In real life, this Husky mix is the sweetest dog, but if any of our scary chihuahuas had a howl like that, I'd start running!

...and so Little Red Riding Hood braved the deep, wide, woods to bring home some kindling for Old Man Taylor. The End

Little white cart delivery for Old Man Taylor


  1. So you brought a camera on your wood collection trip but not a hatchet? Only You Sweets, only you. :)

  2. Rae Rae! Very astute observation...and um...very valid point.

  3. This is great! Mouldering wood releases complex hydrocarbons that capture far more heat than the CO2 and H2O released by your stove. And the particulate matter (soot) is supposed to block the sunlight altogether.

    Oh, and you left out the pictures of your shower.

  4. I only understood one word in there: "sunlight."
