Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Office Cheerio

There are numerous things that I get a kick out of at work, but I am way too new to start blogging about too much of what goes on there. By the way, for the record, I hate the word "blog" as a verb--in case you were wondering.

That actually reminds me of one of the struggles I've encountered with the new job: learning a whole new lingo. I had no idea that the technology industry would use terminology and abbreviations that were completely unknown to me already-- not that I put much thought into it. I knew that we used a lot of abbreviations, short-hand terms, and for heaven's sake Latin, in the medical field, but had no idea what I'd be in for when I started work three weeks ago.

And, of course, there are the poor guys down in the man-cave that is better known as the "IT department." If I go down one more time asking where the "thingy" is on my company laptop, I swear one of them will slit his wrists.

But to top that off, I almost had a coronary--in the medical field that is actually called a "myocardial infarction"-- when I heard someone say, "Yeah, okay, let's paragraph that." I could have died right there in my little gray cubicle. I believe that means that they wanted the discussion they had  just had on the phone to be written down on paper. Wow.

As if that didn't push me over the top, my self-appointed mentor used the word "dogfooding" the same day, referring to a concept in the tech field. Really? Dogfooding? I have a lot to learn.

But, that is not why I'm rambling today. Today, I am just notifying everyone that I found this in the rest room when I was, er, "resting:"

So now I'm wondering who is multitasking while in the rest room. I mean, I have a walk with the White Husky (Gunnar) at 5am, feeding The Littles (chihuahuas) at 5:45am, getting ready and out the door by 7am (at the latest), and an hour-long commute. My point is, I still make a real breakfast, and eat it, before I leave the house. No one drives as far as I do, so I am pondering as to why they must eat Cheerios in the bathroom at work? And then I'm pondering as to why someone would take pictures in a bathroom?


  1. The answer to your question about Cheerios in the loo is "a mommy".

    Someone was probably reaching into her purse for something she might find relevant and useful in the cubicle, and a tot's Cheerio simply fell out and onto the floor. Mommies with tots quickly end up with Cheerios in all sorts of places. So this should come as no surprise.

    These mommies are also accustomed to saying "don't touch that it's icky" about things their tots are likely to pick up off a bathroom floor, so she probably, robotically (from sleep deprivation) let it go rather than have to explain (to the tot who is probably in day care) why it's OK for mommy to pick things up but not her little darling.

    That's probably not a big deal for you - so long as Bill puts the lid down to keep your babies for drinking out of the toilet.

    And for the uninitiated, Cheerios are basically sugar free gob-stoppers for fussy, pre-verbal spawn, and any mommy without a baggy or two close at hand is either a tree-hugger or guilty of child neglect.

  2. My favorite corporate phrase is "reaching out" to someone. That one just makes little bits of puke come up in the back of my mouth.

  3. Oh yeah; "reaching out" gets me, but not quite as violent as wanting to puke in my mouth.

    Speaking of puke in my mouth, I totally wanted to put in this story that I emailed you in the basement to tell you that the Cheerio was still in the stall 5 hours later, and then the next day when I emailed to say it was gone you sent an email with one word in it: "".

    We probably shouldn't be salaried, eh?
