November 8, 2010
You thought this was going to be another super cute story about me and a gaggle of miniature horse pictures, didn't you? No one more than I is disappointed that it is not...
I remain ever fascinated by the coffee machines both in Wonderland and in The Dungeon. I drink more tea than coffee when at work as I’ve discovered I am still way too anxious due to all of the changes in schedule to ingest too much caffeine, so the hot water feature on these instant gratification machines is a favorite.
Two coworkers were talking in a cubicle across the aisle from mine today and I was busy in my little clear plastic bag taking teeny pinches of stevia (sweetener made from a plant of some sort) and placing it delicately in my mug. If you get too much stevia in something it pollutes it, almost like an artificial sweetener, so you have to gingerly throw minute amounts of the white fairy dust into your cup.
I felt ridiculous because the bag was rattling and I had white powder all over my fingers which was starting to get sticky, and I had it on my black dress pants. I’m always a little hyper, so I was glad that my colleagues saw me putting it into my tea; otherwise they probably would have seen me come back from the bathroom thinking I had a whole 8-ball party by myself in the bathroom! (Maybe I should just completely switch to decaf, eh?)
I'd switch to decaf now. You don't want to wait until students are in your line of fire, and if you talk too fast, you'll get lousy student evaluations. The critical thing at this juncture is to take notes about the stupid stuff the software does that made you have to go ask for help. That's the stuff that's going to confuse your students, too, and if you address these same points in class, you'll look really smart. Just wipe the white powder off from under your nose before you leave your office.