Friday, March 4, 2011

Old McHomer Had A Farm

Well, not actually a farm yet. Mr. H and I sort of live on what we admit is a "yuppy farm." Let's face it-- there are four chihuahuas on premises and no animals inhabit the barn other than a unique Husky mix dog. In my own mind when I wake up every morning at 5am and put wood in the burner and walk and feed Gunnar the Husky, I am going out to do my "barn chores." It's sad folks, isn't it? But, that is the idea that keeps me going from day to day; one day I will have more than Gunnar in that barn to tend too.  Will I actually have time for more? Can I remember to feed goats alfalfa, horses hay, and dog food to the dog? At this point, no one knows.

When I was growing up I didn't want horses. I wasn't one of those kids that really truly wanted a pony. I didn't play with dolls either, but immensely loved taming the wild kittens in the barn and thought life was complete when my dad finally let us have a dog--turned out she was pregnant too! Oops--more puppies which, in my opinion, topped everything!

Now that I have grown up (just roll with that concept) I've wanted horses for years-- not just any horses though.  I want Miniature horses. And when we moved from Arizona to Wisconsin to a farmette equipped with horse pastures and a beautiful barn, it only seemed natural to actually realize the dream of owning a Mini. (Do we all remember the post in which I detailed meeting a neighbor who found out I loved Minis and proceeded to tell me where one lived down the road from her? Then, Mr. H and I raced down said road to visit this Mini at a farm we've never seen owned by a person we've never met? I've got it can read about that here.)

The answer has finally come! My Aunt Tonda wants Mr. H and I to "babysit" her Minis for her as boarding prices are exorbitant and we are absolutely set up here. We are going to be caretakers for two tiny, tiny, Minis: Shaq and Assel are both only 32 inches tall!

Assel, age 9

Assel is the spunky one, supposedly, and Shaq is a very docile creature. Shaq is a certified therapy horse and he has visited nursing homes, libraries and schools, to visit both children and adults. Apparently he is housebroken as well. Did you hear that chihuahuas? Though few and far between, those little "mistakes" you make on the little rug next to the door could cause you to get moved to the barn and Shaq will come in and live with mommy and daddy. Think about who wants extra water? (Unfortunately, they know these are empty threats).

Shaq, age 14

My cousin McKenzie a few years ago with Shaq at the library.


  1. Will ya be milking those minis, eh?

  2. Great to see horses (even miniature ones) back in the pastures. Enjoy!
