Monday, April 4, 2011

It's All Here In Black And White

The sick little Mini horse is doing better, but we are still guarded. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you: we have poop! Assel gave it the ol' Farm University try (similar to "the old college try), and made me proud. When the vet came by this afternoon (we were a tad dehydrated again) I gave her a run-down of the characteristics of the much anticipated horse apples. I also told her I had pictures of all of it and could put it into a PowerPoint slide presentation for her in less than ten minutes. Dr. Jean looked at me like I was insane. I told her I'm not crazy; I just carry the gene.

This picture is of a true multi-tasker. I am standing in the home office--dressed in dirty barn clothes--looking at my computer and waiting for a work email to come through, while simultaneously warming lactated ringer's (I.V. fluids) for Assel the Mini horse, in the microwave.

(I didn't say it was an attractive photo; it's what Work looks like!)

1 comment:

  1. I can almost feel the warm rays of the sun pulsing down onto the permafrost you call a yard and touching your pallid, dung-smeared cheeks.

    Speaking of which, in a few more months and you'll be our neighbors to the south.
